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Covering the Cover: Vocation
The Noonday Demon
Captivated by the First Church
Sometimes I Wince at the Weight of your Hand
Why We Work
Readers Respond: Issue 22
Buccaneer School
The Unchosen Calling
A Life beyond Self
Insights on Vocation
Monks and Martyrs
A Love Stronger than Fear
Now and at the Hour
The Language of Frailty
Icon and Mirror
Dirty Work
Oh, to Weld!
Insights on Work
Carl Sandburg’s “Buffalo Dusk”
To-Do List
Mercenaries out of the Gate
Loneliness at College
An Economy for Anything
The Artist of Memory
Poetry and Prophecy, Dust and Ashes
Editors Picks Issue 22
Carl Sandburg
Near the end of his life, in an interview with the Anglican priest Nicky Gumbel, Jean Vanier recalled the genesis of L’Arche back in 1964.
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People with disabilities are the most oppressed people of this world. I visited an institution where there were eighty men, completely locked up, no work. They were just sitting around with quite a lot of violence and screaming. And strangely enough, I was both attracted and repulsed.
When I left the Navy, I wanted to live in community with the poor, not for the poor. And so we lived together, and it was an extraordinary experience of joy. They were so happy to get out of that institution. We lived around the table – going to buy food, cooking your food, eating your food, doing the washing up, and then starting again. And somehow, at the heart of what we were living was the message of Jesus. In Luke, Jesus says, “When you give a meal, don’t invite your family, your rich neighbors, your friends; when you give a really good meal, invite the poor, the lame, the blind and the rejected.” And then he says, “And if you do that, you are blessed.” It’s one of the secret beatitudes of the gospel.
What happens when you sit to eat with people is that you become friends. Aristotle says, “To become a friend of someone you must eat a sack of salt together,” which means many meals. We had such fun, but somewhere there was a sense that we were to be together in order to reveal the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a place where the poorest and the rejected come together to celebrate their joy, because they have discovered that they are loved by the people around them and they are loved by Jesus. It’s an incredible joy, because they don’t want power, they don’t want to go up the ladder of more money, more success, more status – all they want is to be happy.
That’s what people see as they come here. But inside you have the reality of complex relationships and all the rest. It’s a place of the kingdom, but you have to work at it. What appears as something beautiful implies also difficulties; we have to work at it and discover that to love is not easy.
There is something very special as we approach those who only need love, which are people with disabilities. They don’t need knowledge; they can’t pass any exams. Some can’t even speak. But they discover that they are loved. There’s a closeness between the crying out of those who have been rejected and pushed down and humiliated – “Does anyone love me?” – and the revelation that God is love. It’s a strange and beautiful meeting.
This interview transcript from 2017 has been excerpted and edited for clarity. Used with permission of Nicky Gumbel.
Jean Vanier, a Catholic philosopher and theologian, founded L’Arche in 1964 as a residential community for people with disabilities. He is the author of over thirty books.
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Tara Burke
How do we thank you at the Plough and the Bruderhof? How do we thank those who continue in the good work of the late Jean Vanier at L' Arch? The depth of love, peace, and genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and humankind expressed by Mr. Vanier in this video overwhelms the heart and soul. The gratitude and glory be to our Holy and Gracious God and Father, and to the Holy Spirit and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Thank You for sharing this video and the magazine with us. We are so blessed to have the privelidge of such spiritual enrichment! Sincerely, Tara
Bob Taylor
I'm sure he would have scorned the evaluation, but the man may have been the greatest saint of our time. Thanks for a luminous twenty - five minutes.