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    Covering the Cover: Solidarity

    By Rosalind Stevenson

    August 6, 2020

    To illustrate the concept of Solidarity we wanted the message to be clear yet not confined to any single interpretation of the word. Solidarity, after all, can be shown in countless ways, from physical presence to prayerful intercession. For this reason we steered clear of using specific illustrative imagery, and instead chose to use a more stylized representation. The cover art shows stripes of varying shades and widths coming together from many different directions. As they encounter each other they do not shatter, but they do change in nature, giving and taking from the surrounding colors. The design signifies a willingness to come together, to change and to learn from one another. What’s also important is that the different elements are bound together and strengthened by something beyond themselves – a golden cord that comes down and encircles them, and keeps moving – the ongoing work of God to unify his people.

    Cover art for Plough Quarterly Solidarity Issue

    Illustration by Rosalind Stevenson

    And on the back cover, to celebrate 100 years of Plough (1920–2020), this piece of artwork by John August Swanson pairs with the following quote by Plough’s founding editor, Eberhard Arnold.

    John August Swanson, Festival of Lights, 1991

    John August Swanson, Festival of Lights, 1991 (Used by permission)

    We are unworldly in the sense that we repudiate the way people trample and destroy one another. Yet we are close to the world and close to nature: we acknowledge the constructive, unifying force that means mutual help, cooperation, symbiosis.

    We believe that all people, no matter their character, are drawn together by this deep-down sense of solidarity and mutual service.

    We believe that all people, however sunk in darkness, do yet have deep within them a spark of light. In the end, this spark must gather them all into one immense sea of light: community in God.

    Eberhard Arnold

    Contributed By RosalindStevenson Rosalind Stevenson

    Rosalind Stevenson is the magazine designer for Plough. She lives at Fox Hill Bruderhof in Walden, New York.

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